1. Suraj Bennur

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    Hello All! Welcome to my site. Let me take a minute to formally introduce myself. I'm Suraj, a computer science and mathematics enthusiast. I like solving puzzles and transforming mathematical or general problems into pieces of code. I am currently pursuing masters in Computer Science at California State University, Fullerton.

    Before becoming a full time computer science graduate student, I was employed at  an American computer software company Parasoft Corporation. I spent a couple of years working as an Enterprise Java Application Developer/QA cum consultant. Also worked in the field of Service Oriented Architecture and Virtualization.

    I recently interned at Ericsson as a Software Developer and was responsible for the design and implementation of high quality production grade LDAPSingle Sign-On (SSO) user authentication modules in C# and python using the OAuth2.0 and OpenID connect authentication frameworks for the MediaFirst platform.

    During my spare time, I surf the internet in pursuit of online coding challenges. My personal favorites of which are dailyprogrammer and/or UVA Online Judge where they offer fun coding challenges. This enhances logical and precision thinking. I also believe in being analytical and mathematical in my approach to any situation (Well that's a whole new story altogether). The works of early mathematicians Pythagoras, Euclid, Aryabhatta and Eratosthenes simply fascinates me. Imagine our world without the number zero! These mathematicians looked for ways to understand the world as it relates to numbers, and their contributions are fundamental to modern day computer science.

    When I'm not coding or thinking mathematically, I listen to rock music. That's right! I'm a big fan of Metallica, Iron Maiden, Megadeth and some classic old school rock music.

    You can read more about me here.

    Some fun teasers! Hope you can handle it! ;)

    1. Let's say you are given two empty jars of irregular shape, a 3 liters jar and a 4 liters jar. With this, you are also provided with a sufficiently large supply of milk (NO measuring cups are provided). How would you come up with exactly 5 liters of milk?
    NOTE: Since, the jars are oddly shaped, filling ‘half’ of the jar would not be possible. You can pour the milk into a big tub that gets processed and purified again and will be made available to you. (Don't worry about any wastage of milk!!!)
    2. If I were to give you two choices, which would you prefer?
      I. Make a statement and if it is true, you gain $20 but if it turns out to be false, you will either get more > $20 or less < $20 but not exactly $20.
      II. Make a statement and earn > $20 if statement is true or false. Guaranteed to get > $20.
    What choice would you prefer?

    The Rubik's Cube
    Can You solve it in under 2 minutes (That's my record)?

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